Tag Archives: Samsung

Samsung I7500 Video!

A recent bloggers event held in Korea apparently had a Samsung surprise in store with a hands on look at their first Android phone, the Samsung I7500. For those of who haven’t heard of this phone or didn’t click the blue highlighted link in the last sentence, this phone is T-mobile newsworthy because it has, drum roll please, the ever important 1700mhz 3G band!! The software seen in this video still isn’t finalized … [read full article]

T-mobile To Launch "Many" Android Devices In 2009!


Well this is the exact kind of news that brightens up the day for me when I blog! Cole Brodman, T-mobile USA CTO recently spoke to Om Malik at his blog GigaOM and had this to say about Android and T-mobile: “We are looking to launch multiple Android-based devices in the second half of this year with three partners.” Ok, that sounds good to me, anyone else have a complaint about multiple manufacturers producing Android equipment?! Didn’t … [read full article]

And I'm Back!


  After a short getaway over the weekend I’m back and ready for some news! Looks as though I missed a lot going on, but there are just a few things to catch up on that slipped through the cracks in my absence.  Most notable is a recent New York Times report stating that Android will be coming soon to a theatre near you. Well not quite that dramatic but they are reporting … [read full article]