Tag Archives: Spectrum Auction

T-Mobile Currently Has No License to the 2.5GHz Spectrum It Bought from the FCC


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)’s spectrum auction authority lapsed last March 9th. Because of this, the FCC Chairwoman, Jessica Rosenworcel, has revealed that she does not have authority to grant the 2.5GHz spectrum licenses that T-Mobile won in an auction held last summer.  Despite this, FierceWireless revealed that the Un-carrier filed a request in March to use the 2.5GHz licenses by granting … [read full article]

FCC 5G mmWave auction results show T-Mobile spent $873 million on spectrum licenses

The FCC today published the results of its 5G mmWave spectrum auction, and the results are a bit different than what some had predicted. Auction 103 saw the FCC offer a total of 3,400 megahertz of spectrum, which is the most spectrum ever offered in an auction. The airwaves up for auction were in the Upper 37GHz, 39GHz, and 47GHz bands. T-Mobile spent … [read full article]

FCC mmWave spectrum auction ends with nearly $7.6 billion in bids

A major FCC spectrum auction came to an end this week. Auction 103 closed on March 5th, nearly three months after it opened. The auction included a total of 3,400 megahertz of spectrum, which is the most ever offered in an auction. Participants were bidding on millimeter wave spectrum in the upper 37GHz, 39GHz, and 49GHz bands. In total, the auction brought in $7.57 billion. … [read full article]

T-Mobile emerges as big spender in FCC 24GHz and 28GHz spectrum auctions

The FCC today announced the results of its 24GHz and 28GHz spectrum auctions, and T-Mobile was among the big spenders. When it comes to the 28GHz auction, T-Mobile bought 865 licenses in 864 markets for total of $39,288,450. The 24GHz auction saw T-Mobile score 1,346 licenses and 400 partial economic areas (PEAs) for a total of $803,212,025. Another notable player in this auction was … [read full article]

Reuters: FCC unlikely to side with T-Mobile over 600MHz spectrum auction terms

With every spectrum auction comes the potential for T-Mobile to add more much-needed airwaves to its portfolio. Sadly, it also comes with months of lobbying, petitions and various other forms of general coaxing by different companies trying to make sure they get the best terms possible. In T-Mobile’s case, that’s never been truer than with the 600MHz incentive auction due to … [read full article]