Comments on: T-Mobile Binge On April Watch List Unofficial T-Mobile Blog, News, Videos, Articles and more Fri, 08 Apr 2016 13:56:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Block Fri, 08 Apr 2016 13:56:00 +0000 soon as you run out of your high speed data on your hotspot. Your binging stops . I went through 18gb in 2 days using Binge On. They had me buy the 22gb plan for $95. The next day I used it all I guess. After 22gb used your service stops. you can’t buy anymore data till the month is up. I have spent with the hotspot on received on via ups Saturday. Been on the phone with tmobile since Monday. They where going to refresh my device nope. Talked to another rep yesterday. He said i would need a new Sim card for my hotspot I’ve had for 5 days now. so i bought a new Sim card at target only place I could buy one. So 2 hours later after I got my SIM card home I called talk to another representative and she said that I don’t need a new SIM card that all I need to do is deactivate then reactivate my account and it’ll work again but then another representative said that won’t work so they disconnected my service for about an hour and then they were going to reactivate it with my new SIM card so I could get my data back otherwise I’d have 20 days without data and I can’t use beings without high speed data which I had no clue of so 2 hours later after I got my sim card home I called talk to another representative and she said that I don’t need a new SIM card that all I need to do is deactivate then reactivate my account and it at work again but then another representative set that won’t work so they disconnected my service for about an hour and then there were going to reactivate it with my new SIM card so I could get my data back otherwise I’d have 20 days without any data to use even binge does not work without high speed data. I had no clue how I used 22 gigabytes in like 3 days when I was on YouTube in Netflix. I have talked to at least 20 different reps for hours like at least 16 hours. 4 hours on one call yesterday with 13 reps. Forgot yesterday told me to go get that new SIM card calling back and we’ll get my hotspot device reactivate it again so I could get mobile data on there high speed that I should say because you can’t buy anymore after 22 gigabytes then it shut off and it does not work so I spent almost $200 4 22 gigabytes of data and drove to another state to get a SIM card that I had to buy a phone to get the SIM card in as they didn’t sell them separately so that’s another hundred dollars so I got about another 200 about $350 and all my wasted time invested in no binging all my high speed data went to YouTube and Netflix and Hulu and Google play Google music and they just won’t help me every different representative had a different way of going about it they never heard of the getting a new sim if they never heard about refresh they looked at the notes on my computer for five representative said that they should just refresh my device the other guys should go buy a new SIM card and the other one said that by for more gigabytes of data because I was on 18 and then I’ll be able to use my been with more high-speed data but why do I have to have high speed data to use binge it’s not supposed to go against my high speed data I don’t know if anybody can explain that to me but I’m pretty pissed off I don’t have much money and I waste all my money on high speed internet but I never got to you binge at all

By: JLV90 Sun, 03 Apr 2016 15:24:00 +0000 In reply to icwhatudidthere.

And most live content is 720p or 1080i at the most still on cable. On demand is usually where the higher quality video is available

By: caquito Fri, 01 Apr 2016 16:33:00 +0000 How would this actually work? I need to install some specific app ?

By: Fabian Fri, 01 Apr 2016 06:30:00 +0000 In reply to SirStephenH.

I agree.

If this was a list of the best… I don’t know what to say.

By: Fabian Fri, 01 Apr 2016 05:37:00 +0000 In reply to AS118.

I don’t know how they are going to solve the congestion issues in many areas people are complaining about. B12 helps with coverage but not with speed.

They should be focusing on densification and CA, and all the spectrum they can get.

By: moonoverparma Fri, 01 Apr 2016 00:03:00 +0000 In reply to Fabian.

Nothing wrong with Binge On.

By: icwhatudidthere Thu, 31 Mar 2016 21:07:00 +0000 In reply to iCrap.

Oh, it’s not great, but I usually lose cable in bad storms so I can keep up with the news or weather. That said, it’s a lot better than what I expected for 480p.

By: iCrap Thu, 31 Mar 2016 20:39:00 +0000 In reply to icwhatudidthere.

480p on a 4k tv doesn’t look awful?

By: SirStephenH Thu, 31 Mar 2016 20:28:00 +0000 The only good thing on that list is Star Wars…

By: icwhatudidthere Thu, 31 Mar 2016 20:06:00 +0000 Just got a new Sony TV with Android TV built-in. When my cable goes out, it’s really simple now to just switch to my phone’s hot spot and keep watching TV. Sling TV makes a lot more sense on a big TV. And I don’t have to use any data at all either!
